Terminology on Women's Health

#medicaltranslation #translatewomenhealth #traduccionmedica #traduccionmamografia #mamografia

As with all medical texts, translating articles on conditions that affect women can bring about problems when we deal with. Among all diseases related to women's body, breast cancer are of key importance. Let's start with the basics. 

The screening age is translated as edad de exploración, meaning the age in which women should do screening, that is exploración in the field of mammography. This is because the term to screen as a verb is examinar clinically. Other methods are MRI, Resonancia Magnética  and abbreviated MRI is Resonancia magnética abreviada. Women with dense breast, that is mamas densas, are requiered to have more care. Some women have very fatty breast, which is mamas muy grasas. Other expressions related to breast are 

heterogeneously dense breast ............................. mamas heterogéneamente densas

extremely dense breasts ................................. mamas extremadamente densas

breast density ....................................... densidad mamaria 

fibroglandular tissue ............................... tejido fibroglandular 

The term complaints refers to a cause of bodily pain or ailment; malady and its equivalent in Spanish is dolencia or malestar. The collocation often used to have complaints or suffer complaints. One of the most advanced techniques to detect breast cancer is tomosynthesis which is a method of screening that detects tumours and changes in the breast. We translate it as tomosíntesis according to Cancer.gov.
